People are saying when a tank dies or survivor respawns in the closet or when the map ends, the survivors or infected dont get painted. If you were woundering R G B stands for the usage which means like 100 0 0 that = red and 0 200 0 = green and 0 0 300 = blue the more higher the number is for the color, the more colored they are well darker.Īlso i think the hunter and boomer and smoker and charger won't color, if anyone knos the problem, please tell me! So hope you have a good time with the plugin please commet!Īlso a big thanks to Cemisti for making the boomer,witch,hunter,smoker,charger color! Sammy-ROCK! My plugin is based off of his l4d painter plugin! vpk in your addons dictionary of your game and server's dictionary! sp in the "addons\sourcemod\scripting" dictionary smx in the "addons\sourcemod\ Plugins" dictionary added zoey, francis, and louis or modeling!
added boomer,witch,charger,smoker,hunter just download the zip! fixed the problem with flooding the console got rid of that anooying notes on the console. created timers to check if they are painted or not if they are not painted it will paint them. added female boomer! (tested and works!) made the witch so it colors now (not testes =( ) i think i fixed the colors with the tanks added to other colors (light blue, and light green) added the witch color (havent tested it yet please tell me if it works or not) only witch,boomer,smoker,hunter,charger with color on coop Servers (still trying to fix that) this plugin may be interfierred with custom player stats plugin, reported by terminator2k2 Try the render mode like 0-10 and see if some of them work but most of them turns all models invisable. the hunter,charger,smoker, and possibly the boomer will probably not color at times due to just their model. Usage "R G B" or "-1 -1 -1" to do nothing. Usage: "R G B" or "-1 -1 -1" to do nothing. Usage "R G B" or "- 1- 1 -1" to do nothing. Useage: "R G B" or "-1 -1 -1" to do nothing. Usage: "R B G" or "-1 -1 -1" to do nothing. Usage: "R G B" or "-1 -1 -1" to do nothing This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.4.0-dev) Paints models such as ellis, rachelle, coach, nick, hunter, smoker, boomer, tank, and the witch.